3 ways exercise benefits the prostate

3 ways exercise benefits the prostate

The prostate is a gland found in men which can be troublesome as men mature. It is prone to painful infections and inflammation (prostatitis), enlargement that interferes with urination (benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH), and is a common site of cancer. Prevention is the best medicine, something exercise can help with, regular physical activity can be good for this walnut-sized gland especially for the following:

BPH prevention – men who were more physically active were less likely to suffer from BPH. Even low- to moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking regularly at a moderate pace, yielded benefits.

Prostatitis treatment – walking briskly three times a week can lead to less prostatitis pain, less anxiety and depression, and better a quality of life (a win win situation).

Prostate cancer progression – men who walked briskly (not leisurely) for at least three hours a week were 57% less likely to have their cancer progress than those who walked less often and less vigorously. In an analysis from the Health Professionals Follow-up Study, men diagnosed with localized prostate cancer who engaged in vigorous activity at least three hours each week had a 61% lower chance of dying from the illness, compared to men who engaged in vigorous activity less than one hour a week.

Walking, Hiking or Rambling can benefit all aspects of your health and wellbeing

Walking, Hiking or Rambling can benefit all aspects of your health and wellbeing

What better reason to pull on your hikers and enjoy the summer months. Why not join me on a herb walk (I lead one every month around Bradley woods showing people medicinal and culinary uses of locally grown plants).